hello o levels are over!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

A conversation that keeps happening in my head:
"You should probably do some work."
"Oh wait, there is nothing left to do. Ha ha ha ha ha."
It feels good. It's quite liberating, but at the same time I feel the most aimless I've felt in a long, long time and it's quite scary. 
Is it possible to feel unproductive when there is nothing to be produced? Surely, there must be something more worthwhile that I can be doing besides lying around torrenting an endless number of movies hehehe. Okay, here's a list of things that I can do:

1 Pack the entire year's worth of school work into a box
2 Draw and paint more (like, seriously, more) Maybe I should start a project, like 'paint something every day'. Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.
3 Film a short (perhaps?) or just
4 Put together all of this year's footage into a video
5 Take more photos with friends 
6 Hang out more with friends ;)
7 Read all the books on my shelf
8 Learn how to use Illustrator
9 Go jogging with my dogs
10 Volunteer at SAM again
11 Clean out my closet

Okay I think that is all I can think of so far. I don't think I want to get a job hahahaha #avoidingresponsibilitysince1997
I hope this is going to be a productive chill month and a half (:


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