the heat makes us delirious

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Last Saturday was Gaby's birthday party thing at Jones the Grocer at Dempsey so here are some god-awfully colour corrected photos I apologise, but MEGAN WANTED ME TO BLOG IT.

I swear, the Jones burger is the. best. burger I've ever had. The chip/wafer/that thing down there had truffle oil and the burger had beetroot, rockets, blue cheese sauce and caramelised onions nomnomnomnomnom
And Eden went crazy over the lemon cake/tart again. Obviously. 
 We went to go send Eden off for her to rush off to Rachel's confirmation and then we just stood in a field (which was not as flat as it looks and not easy to walk on, mind you) and took photos in the sun. Oh, did I mention it was 36.5 degrees out that day? Yup. We traipsed around in the heat on deceivingly flat ground.
After we were done in the field we were walking back and passed the Dempsey Hill fountain and I was like
 Then, despite having my second lunch of good food my mom, sister and I went to eat dinner at The Intercontinental's Japanese restaurant, which WAS SO FRESH AND YUMMEH. Afterwards we went to watch The Importance of Being Earnest by Wild Rice LOL it was amazing. Go check it out if you haven't yet! It's on till May 4th.

"In any case, she's a monster without being a myth, which is rather unfair."


Friday, 12 April 2013

 On Wednesday evening my sister, mom and I went to Home Club at The Riverwalk to watch Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay perform spoken word. It was a last minute decision to go because it was held in a nightclubby/pub sort of place and the internet kept saying that it was an R18 event -.-
It's not really
So anyway, here are some photos of what happened. The entire room was just crammed with people, and the entire first half hour of being there was mainly people trying to push forward to get nearer to the stage. The first hour of poetry was by local poets (of which I have videos but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post them lol) and some of them were aahhmazziinggghh
Then Sarah and Phil came through the crowd
AND I WAS LIKE |-----------------------|

I have a couple of videos of their poems but again, not allowed to post. Instead, here's a list of the poems they performed (that I can remember)

She Asks Me
An Origin Story
Point B
Repetition (!!!!)
When Love Arrives

That's all I can remember lol. But they each did one new poem
For some reason or another, you haven't heard of them, here's one of their poems:

It was such an inspirational and funny night and I'm so glad I got to experience it 

Poetry is like pooping. If there's a poem in you, it has to come out.


Saturday, 6 April 2013

It was my uncle's wedding ceremony today at the Equinox as well as his mother's birthday. The food was so gooood. It was in a buffet style and had mushroom and ham lasagna, teriyaki chicken, laksa, waffles (pictured above), and really awesome coffee and tea self-serve dispensers weeweeweee it was so fun. And it started raining quite heavily during the event and the clouds sunk so low that the windows were a sheet of fog (we were 70 stories up in the air) and everything was just grey.

Turns out, none of the photos here are of the wedding *go figure*
There's only one picture of bokeh candles and my grand aunt in her bokeh sparkly dress well done me.

Also, I feel extremely accomplished because I just figured out the second bit of the Mole Concept chapter out on my own, pretty excited for the test now (just the mole bit, can't remember nuts about chemical bonding). But still, I have no idea how I'm going to finish revising everything for all of my subjects before Mid Years (WHICH IS LIKE IN THREE WEEKS???) and I don't know whether I should be focusing on that or on Chinese Os or both or what or am I supposed to do I don't know aaaaagghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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