Grandma's 80th

Saturday, 14 September 2013

September 7th 2013 was my nai nai's 80th birthday party which was 50s/60s themed. 
It was quite a big event, seeing as it was her big 80th birthday, and all the tables in the restaurant were filled with friends and relatives. There was 50s classic rock blasting through speakers, as well as a couple of old Chinese songs thrown in, games about guessing old landmarks in the 50s, and old-school toys like the bubble-blowing thing, the green paratrooper and the tiny plastic fish shaped things (I don't even know what they are called) haha.

Here's some photos of the day 
Coe and I. 
Cara, my auntie and my cousin
Mum's beehive hah.
My cousins and my grandma

Then in the evening we went to catch Pangdemonium's Next To Normal. It was aaaamaaazing! Nathan Hartono being in it made it even better ;) The music, the performances and the set (the set, man!) were absolutely amazing. 


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