to july

Friday, 12 July 2013

Hello from The Ritz Carlton. I'm on a stay-cation this weekend and enjoying some much-needed r&r with warm baths with lavender scented bath bombs, shopping, photo editing, sleeping, and this view over Marina Bay (goodness, NDP rehearsals are LOUD). I've been all tensed up all week with six tests in four days - ho man! - and it feels so good to get away from it for a while. So far on this wonderful Friday evening we have checked in, gone shopping, had yummy noodles and I've soaked in the gloriously divine bathtub overlooking the Bay. Oh, did I mention that there is also free WIFI? YES. THERE IS FREE WIFI. I am the happiest person alive right now.

Afterwards maybe I'll watch Lost In Translation with my mum and sister because Gaby tweeted about it and now I'm like I haven't seen that film in aaaggesssssss! And hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to catch the firework show here, and take some video footage of that. And then I can string up a pretty lights-over-the-bay video hurray hurrah! 

I have so many photos I want to post soon. Last week I managed to dig up my Europe 2012 photos that I am going through now. Most of them are quite awful because I think for some reason I was shooting at ISO800 during a ridiculously sunny day so the majority of the photos are all grainy and over-exposed and washed out WELL DONE ME. Who the hell goes to Europe and takes crappy photos! So now I have been trying to salvage those that can be edited (but most of them are way beyond my editing capabilities, unfortunately) and I hope those can be up soon!

Also today I got the news that I was shortlisted for the SJI interviews; but I'm not really sure how I feel about that. Thankful, of course, but if I do get in, but don't get into ACSI, I don't know whether I will end up accepting it at all, which makes getting accepted even worse. Ugh.


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