Oh take me back to the start

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Here's that video I said that I would do to put together my video footage from 2013. I edited it a few weeks back before I left on my holiday but I never really felt very good about it, I don't know, it's not my best. I wasn't intending to upload it anywhere, but today I was suddenly hit with a sentimental feeling, so tadaa! Looking back on this past year, I feel so sad that it was over so soon, yet I am greatly looking forward to whatever the new year has in store. I am so grateful for all the people around me who have made 2013 a very happy year despite O levels haha. Thank you for all the good times we have had together, and even if we won't be together this coming year, just know that you've been wonderful and you'll be in my heart forever. #cheez

I am quite nervous for the year ahead, mostly because I have no clue what is going to happen two weeks from now. I don't know what's going to happen after results come out and sometimes frankly I feel queasy thinking about the future, but I suppose I'll trust that the Lord has made a path for me and has somewhere planned for me to go. Hiding in the safe comforts of old memories from 2013 is a respite from the uncertainty of this year, but I want to embrace this new year with more positivity and ambition. I pray that this year will be a happy one full of fun, new projects, new people, new adventures, beauty, favour, prosperity and blessings for us all. 

Happy new year guys (:


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